National Dog Rescue Day: A Day at BISBY for Pippa and Gatsby
Did you know that just over four million dogs shelter dogs are adopted each year? That’s a lot of furry friends that we adore and hold very close to our hearts! It’s no questions that the dogs in our lives are family to us. The bond between a little girl and her dog is just so special. They learn from one another. Play together. Comfort each other with cuddles and a dog can even teach a girl responsibility for caring another creature.
Pippa and Gatsby are two very special dogs that come to work with us at BISBY every day! Gatsby was even a rescue dog from Paris KY Animal Welfare Society. The two of them go on all sorts of adventures together in our office and love seeing how the BISBY collection designs progress from sketches to real life dresses, skirts, tops and more. Take an inside look on what a day at BISBY looks like for Pippa and Gatsby!
Today, like the rest of us a BISBY, Gatsby and Pippa start their day with a little Starbucks. Pup cups, extra pup. Gatsby turns to Pippa while she’s quite busy with her pup cup and barks, “The Fall 2022 samples are supposed to be delivered today! I can’t wait to see them.”
Pippa breaks her focus and slowly lifts her head from the pup cup in front of her.
Pippa is far more interested in her pup cup than the new samples that are arriving. That’s when the hairs are Pippa’s neck start to stand up. Something isn’t quite right.
“Someone is approaching the office,” Pippa declares to Gatsby, but he is already at door ready for anything or anyone. They begin barking orders at each other ready for an intrusion. They must protect the BISBY and little english office!
A man in a brown and yellow uniform carrying a brown box approaches the offices and the dogs freeze for a moment.
“It’s the samples!” Gatsby squeals with excitement.
Pippa continues to bark.
"No man in a uniform can be trusted."
It isn’t until the delivery man retreats back to his truck and drives away that Pippa lets her guard down. And like clockwork, Pippa transforms from a fiesty guard dog to her regular, nonchalant self.
“Let’s see what we’ve got”
The dogs begin pawing at the samples, inspecting the quality while putting the fall pieces on hangers. Their excitement grows as they admire the beautiful floral patterns of woven and knit dresses. They relish in the BISBY pinks, purples, blues, and greens of the fall season. Everything was perfect except… the Sally Skorts are missing!
“Not the Sally Skort!” Exclaimed Gatsby, "That’s our most loved piece!"
“It’s got to be in here somewhere,” said Pippa, determined as ever.
They continued digging through boxes. Looking through mounds of clothes. And no Sally Skort. They couldn’t believe it.
“So many girls are going to be disappointed this season.” Said Pippa. “What are we going to do?”
They bounced ideas off each other, trying to find ways to launch the new Fall 2022 collection without the Sally Skort. Each idea seemed worse than the last. Finally, as they sat there puzzled as could be, and then hairs on Pippa’s neck started to stand up again.
“Not this again.” She sounded exhausted. "We have enough to deal with right now"
Gatsby and Pippa began their barking again to let the delivery man know just exactly who this office belong to. They were especially suspicious because the delivery divers usually only comes once a day.
“Wait.” Gatsby said. “He has something in his hand.”
The delivery driver approached the dogs and said “This package was left behind on my truck, it’s for you.”
Gatsby and Pippa exchanged hopeful glances. They placed the package down. Cautiously and expectantly they began to open the package and they found exactly what they were looking for.
“The Sally Skorts!” They both exclaimed.
“Thank goodness.” Said Pippa.
“Our collection is complete now!” Said Gatsby
The two dogs howled in excitement and promised to always welcome the delivery man to the BISBY office since he did, after all, save the Fall 2022 launch.
We absolutely adore our furry friends here at BISBY! Share any photos of your #BISBYgirl with her furry companion at hello@bisbykids.com for a chance to be featured on our Instagram story!